ProEssence (Provital Pty Ltd) is proud to announce the launch of its latest skincare innovation, T3 Ultra Moisturiser, a luxurious and highly effective formula designed to elevate your skincare routine. Infused with the power of T3 Tocotrienols, nature’s most potent antioxidant, and enriched with Kakadu Plum Extract, a powerful source of Vitamin C, the T3 […]
Author Archives: Provital
We are proud to be in the TIQ (Trade and Investment Queensland) Health & Wellness Directory 2024. TIQ has selected a number of quality Queensland health and wellness business to participate this program. And we, the Provital, are proud to be in this program five years in a row. In particular, our T3 Ultrabsorb Formula […]
We are proud to introduce you the new package of our ProEssence T3 Ultrabsorb Formula. Our TGA listed T3 Ultrabsorb Formula is the leading palm Tocotrienols health supplement in Australia. Health benefits include antioxidant, supports healthy immune system function, reduces free radicals damage, and supports wound healing. We just love our new natural tone package design. Please feel free let us know what you think via our Facebook page or inbox us directly.
There are numerous great health benefits with hot yoga. It could help you sweating out toxins in your body. Increased blood flow to your arms and legs, delivering more oxygenated blood to the muscles. Improved muscle tone and flexibility. Stress relief, which helps you feel better about yourself.
Our T3 Ultrabsorb Formula is proud to be in the TIQ (Trade and Investment Queensland) Health & Wellness Directory 2020. We are one of the first cohort of 39 Qld health & wellness businesses to be promoted around the world through TIQ’s (Trade and Investment Queensland) 15 overseas offices. They in turn, will distribute it to their network of importers, distributors, wholesalers, online platform operators, retailer, etc. It is one of many ways TIQ is working behind the scene to promote the Queensland business.
We support Australian farmers and rural communities. GIVIT is our chosen charity to the bush fire and drought appeal. GIVIT Listed Ltd is now the only reliable source of exactly what is needed in disaster response and recovery. GIVIT work with local charities, community groups, the state government and councils in an affected area to help them obtain exactly what is needed, when it is needed.
It is a significant move for the Chinese government to hold China International Import Expo (CIIE) to give firm support to trade liberalization and economic globalization and actively open the Chinese market to the world.
Provital is pleased to present their T3 Ultrabsorb Formula at the Trade and Investment Queensland Taste of Queensland Australia Health and Wellness showcase on 24 Oct 2019 at the Venue 114 at Sunshine Coast.
Natural China showcases the most well-known natural and organic products from around the world. It provides a professional platform for fostering the trade and exchange of natural products in China.
Provital is proud to present their ProEssence T3 Ultrabsorb Formula and the Petglee Yunzhi PSP for dogs at the Naturally Good Expo on 29 – 30 Apr 2018 at the International Convention Centre Sydney.