Award winning writer Dr Shelley Davidow, whom witness her family member benefits from the Yunzhi PSP and the T3 Ultrabsorb Formula, has written an article title “Navigating the Maze – reconsidering approaches to prostate cancer” published on the Art of Healing Magazine Dec/Feb 17-18 edition.
“Prostate cancer is one of the most common diseases in Australia. One in nine men will be diagnosed in their lifetime. Because of increased screening and a simple blood test, these days, most cases are found early. It is difficult to say though, which cancers will turn out to be aggressive and which ones are so slow in progressing that a person will live a normal life-span and die with – not of – the disease. There is also little evidence to show that the radical treatments most often recommended for prostate cancer (removal of prostate, radiation, hormone therapy) significantly increase overall longevity. This leaves many men facing a confusing maze of options for treatment, some of which have debilitating effects on quality of life. Shelley Davidow explains” The Art of Healing Magazine Dec/Feb 17-18 edition.
The article has discussed a number of scientific proven complementary solutions including the hyperthermia at the German clinics, and the Yunzhi PSP and T3 (Tocotrienols) researches at the Brisbane’s Translational Research Institute. Our client story, whom have been taken our Yunzhi PSP and T3 Ultrabsorb Formula for years, also been interviewed and feature in the article.
We, the Provital team, are pleased to see our clients find our product benefiting their health, and even sharing their experience via the leading Australian health magazine. References available on request. Email us for details.
Any information provided in this article are for information resource only, and is not intended to be used as medical advice or to be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please consult with a health care professional before starting any diet, supplement or exercise program.